Archive for November, 2013

What to Expect from Liposuction Recovery

Our board-certified plastic surgeons at Marietta Plastic Surgery prefer to use the tumescent liposuction technique whenever possible because it involves a shorter recovery period and less pain after surgery, in addition to several other advantages. Still, in general, the amount of time you will need to request off from work will depend on the extent […]

Are You a Candidate for a Face Lift?

If you are frustrated with your facial appearance, you may be considering face lift surgery to help recapture a more youthful look. While a face lift is an effective way of turning back the clock on your appearance, it may not be the ideal procedure for everyone. During your consultation at Marietta Plastic Surgery, we […]

Do Breast Implants Interfere With Breastfeeding?

One of the primary concerns women have about breast augmentation is whether or not implants will interfere with breastfeeding. Most women who undergo breast augmentation and become pregnant at a later date are able to breastfeed without any problems, but there is a slight risk that breast augmentation surgery may affect your ability to effectively […]

Is CoolSculpting® Right for Me?

CoolSculpting® is an innovative non-surgical procedure designed to eliminate stubborn fat without the need for an incision. CoolSculpting® technology targets unwanted fat cells in the treatment area and freezes them. Your body will naturally eliminate these frozen cells creating a noticeable reduction of fat in the treated area. Good candidates for CoolSculpting® have distinct bulges […]