Archive for May, 2015

Mommy Makeover Package – Atlanta Breast Lift

Mommy Makeover Package Atlanta

A Mommy Makeover package includes numerous procedures to return patients to their pre-pregnancy body. One procedure that can be included in your Mommy Makeover package is the breast lift. This surgical rejuvenation option is ideal for raising sagging breasts. Once breastfeeding is over, a mother’s breasts have lost a great deal of volume. The excess […]

Mini Abdominoplasty – Abdominal Recontouring Atlanta

Mini Abdominoplasty Atlanta

Tummy tucks are a great way to recontour the abdominal area. Numerous patients benefit from a variation on the traditional tummy tuck known as the mini abdominoplasty. If you have a minimal degree of drooping skin and a bit of muscle sagging in your lower abdominal area, the mini abdominoplasty may be perfect for you. […]

Male Breast Reduction – Atlanta Chest Recontouring

Male Breast Reduction Atlanta

When male patients are experiencing gynecomastia – an excessive amount of tissue in the chest – the best course of action is often corrective male breast reduction. The tissue composition of your male breasts will determine the types of techniques used during your male breast reduction surgery. Glandular breast tissue is typically removed using scalpel […]

Tissue Expanders – Breast Reconstruction Atlanta

Tissue Expanders Atlanta

Mastectomy surgery creates a desire in many patients to seek out breast reconstruction surgery. One option for a patient’s breast reconstruction is the implantation of breast implants, which restore the volume taken away by mastectomy. In order to make room for these implants, it is often necessary to use tissue expanders. Tissue expanders are prosthetics […]