To restore a youthful appearance to their necks, many patients come in for a neck lift procedure. Neck lift recovery is a very important step in the surgical process.
After the neck lift procedure, the area will experience a degree of swelling and bruising. This may increase for up to ten days after the neck lift. There are several measures used to help control these post-surgical issues during your neck lift recovery.
An elastic garment will be worn around the neck for a period of two weeks to aid amelioration of swelling.
Additionally, for around one week, pillows should be used to keep your neck and head elevated while you are sleeping. These should also be kept elevated during the day for around ten to seventeen days following the procedure.
The neck lift recovery process will also require patients to be very careful with the area. Any sports or other activities that could potentially cause neck trauma should be avoided for around three to six weeks, as injury could cause a variety of complications and make the healing process take longer to complete.
Stay home from work for a period of ten to fourteen days after your neck lift. Once this period is complete, check with your physician to find out if it is acceptable to return to work.
Contact our office to arrange a consultation and find out more about the right ways to treat your neck during neck lift recovery. At Marietta Plastic Surgery, our skilled medical practitioners have years of experience and will get you the results you’ve been looking for!