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Breast augmentation is one of the most customizable procedures in plastic surgery, and one reason is because you have many breast implant options to ensure you get the results you desire in terms of size, shape, and even firmness. And now we have even more options than ever with the approval of Sientra breast implants, which have the firmer consistency that is often described as “gummy bear” implants.

Since 2006, women had to choose between silicone breast implants and saline breast implants. Saline breast implants have more surgical flexibility–they can easily be inserted through smaller incisions and can be filled to a variable level during surgery, which is especially valuable when correcting breast asymmetry.

Silicone breast implants have the benefit of looking and feeling most like natural breast tissue. They are a little more expensive, but many women feel the improved aesthetics is worth the investment.

Now Sientra’s implants give women a third option for breast implants. These breast implants are firmer than the other options, which many women may appreciate as it gives their breasts a more youthful appearance.

During your consultation at either of our Atlanta area locations, we will discuss all your breast implant options so you can pick the one that best meets your cosmetic goals.

To schedule your consultation, please contact Marietta Plastic Surgery today.

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