Archive for September, 2013

Is Sculptra Right for Me?

If your face has become thinner and more hollow-looking, you may be experiencing the effects of lipoatrophy – or facial fat loss. Sculptra® is capable of restoring this lost volume, helping your face look healthier and fuller again. Sculptra® is FDA-approved for the treatment of lipoatrophy. Anyone who is experiencing facial fat loss and is […]

Liposuction in Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the technical term for enlarged male breasts – a condition that many men live with as a result of genetics, medication, weight gain, or hormonal changes. Even if you are at a normal body weight, you may still have enlarged breasts that are unaffected by your diet and exercise efforts. Male breast reduction […]

What Areas of the Body Can Liposuction Treat?

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures because of its versatility. Stubborn fat deposits can occur in many different areas of your body, resisting your efforts to get rid of them through diet and exercise. Liposuction is very effective at eliminating pockets of excess fat in a wide range of body areas, […]